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Red Wing

RED WING Iron Ranger

RED WING Iron Ranger

定價 MOP$3,099.00
定價 MOP$0.00 售價 MOP$3,099.00
特價 售罄
The Iron Ranger comes in our smart Black Harness Leather. The double layered toe cap provides extra strength along with the quadruple stitch detail. This boot is one of our favourite boots at Red wing. Made in the USA.

銷售點 (部份尺碼只限指定門市):
KHG Nova 星皓廣場店
澳門氹仔廣東大馬路, 星皓廣場, 地下G07-G08號舖 (28322233)

可於上述門市購買,亦可透過 Facebook 專頁 或微信號 khgmacau 聯絡我們查詢產品資訊及折扣優惠
