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Red Wing

RED WING Classic Moc

RED WING Classic Moc

定價 MOP$2,999.00
定價 MOP$0.00 售價 MOP$2,999.00
特價 售罄
The 1907 is made from our Copper Rough & Tough Leather. It was our 100 year anniversary boot back in 2005 and now introduced as a core product to our Europe catalogue. This supple, yet tough leather will allow added flexibility and comfort. This new take on our classic moc toe work boot demonstrates the best of American design and craftsmanship. Made in the USA.

銷售點 (部份尺碼只限指定門市):
KHG Flagship 白馬行店
澳門伯多祿局長街8C號友裕大廈地下A座 (25323377)
KHG Nova 星皓廣場店
澳門氹仔廣東大馬路, 星皓廣場, 地下G07-G08號舖 (28322233)
Moderno 摩登佬時裝
澳門荷蘭園正街21號地下 (28332888)

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